Hire an amazing freelancer.

We help you to hire the top 5% of remote talent
from Venezuela and other countries in crisis.

Our team has worked at

Hire top talent from countries where the work really matters.

There are lots of platforms you can use to find a freelancer to hire.

But iWorker is different.

We’re a social enterprise focused on finding you the top 5% of remote professionals from countries in crisis, like Venezuela and Uganda, where the employment you provide is a life-changer.

Save an average of 72% by hiring abroad.

It’s hard to keep your business profitable when you need to spend $60,000-150,000/year to fill an opening! 

That’s what we’re here for.

We find you the best freelance talent from Latin America and Africa, allowing you to save up to 81% on staff costs.

Digital marketers, social media managers, copywriters, bookkeepers, graphic designers & video editors, project managers — you name it and we’ll source you the best.

We help you find the best remote talent.

College-educated, bilingual professionals, often with years of experience — starting at $9,600/year. 

“In Venezuela more than seven million people have left the country since 2015, as the South American nation has endured a continuing economic & political crisis. But the website iWorker is giving some a reason to stay.”

How We Do It

We recruit for you

We’ll recruit and vet dozens of candidates with the skillsets and characteristics you need.

Interview your favorites

We’ll send you the top few candidates (usually 2-3) so you can interview them.

Hire remote

Once you’ve interviewed the right person, they’re ready to be hired. On average, you’ll save 72% by hiring remote.

Hire remote talent. Save big.

SEO Specialist

Average salary — US$85,689/year
Average salary — Latin America + Africa $18,000/year
Savings = $67,689/year78%OFF

Video Editor

Average salary — US$71,492/year
Average salary — Latin America + Africa $17,400/year
Savings = $54,092/year75%OFF

Web Developer

Average salary — US$105,323/year
Average salary — Latin America + Africa $24,000/year
Savings = $81,323/year77%OFF

Paid Ads Manager

Average salary — US$88,364/year
Average salary — Latin America + Africa $22,300/year
Savings = $66,064/year74%OFF

Social Media Manager

Average salary — US$71,202/year
Average salary — Latin America + Africa $16,800/year
Savings = $54,402/year76%OFF

Virtual Assistant

Average salary — US$58,958/year
Average salary — Latin America + Africa $15,360/year
Savings = $43,598/year73%OFF

“My experience with iWorker has been nothing but top notch from the start.”

Samantha D.

Diamond IT
About Us

We source remote talent from countries in crisis.

Co-founded by a Venezuelan immigrant who left his home country with his pregnant wife, iWorker’s mission is to connect world-class professionals from impoverished countries with online jobs. 

Number of placements we've made.
0 +
Millions of dollars generated by iWorker hires for themselves and their families.
0 M+
Percentage of clients whose remote hires are still with them after 1 year.
0 %